Campus Safety & Security
Additionally, (as mentioned above) the Health and Counseling Center is staffed by a doctor, nurses, psychologists, and other health care providers. Health Center staff are available to students each school day and are on-call at all other times, ensuring that adequate medical attention, health education, and resources are available to everyone in the Lawrence Academy community. Having positive, effective working relationships with local law enforcement officials is also critical to the health and safety of the school community.
Emergency Preparedness & Initiatives
Meet our Safety Officers
Tom O'Connor
Hours: 3:00 - 11:00 PM
and Event Coverage
Hours: 3:00 - 11:00 PM
and Event Coverage
Hours: 3:00 - 11:00 PM
and Event Coverage
Hours: Event Coverage
"I want to do what I can to provide the highest level of care in any emergency. It's the worst time to have to deal with something from a parent perspective, from a student perspective, from anyone - when something happens, you want someone to be there quickly to help you get through that crisis, no matter what it is - that's my goal. That's why we're prepared to handle situations like that."Frank Mastrangelo, Director of Campus Safety and Security
As Lawrence Academy is part of the Groton, Mass., community, we maintain close working relationships with the Groton Police Department, Groton Fire Department, and local EMTs, all of whom assist in on-campus safety drills and crisis training exercises.