Artists on Campus

Conant Gallery and Professional Performances

In addition to student art exhibitions and performances, Lawrence Academy hosts a variety of visual art exhibits and musical concerts each year. There are three exhibits in the Conant Gallery each academic year; recent exhibitions have included photography, sculptures, paintings, and faculty work. Exhibited artists typically spend a day as an artist-in-residence on campus, meeting with students and teaching classes, following their exhibit’s opening. 

Lawrence Academy also hosts three professional music performances each year, with artists from a wide variety of genres. These performances are open to all; music students , faculty and their families, and the larger Groton Community. 

Recent Exhibits and Performances

Upcoming/Current Exhibitions

Past Exhibits and Performances

Conant Gallery Hours

Monday - Friday:
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday:
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Holiday Closures:
November 18 – 27
December 16 – January 3

14 Academy Drive
Groton, MA

Interested in having your art on display

Are you an artist looking for have our work on display in Lawrence Academy's Conant Gallery? Reach out to Dina Mordeno at for more information.