Not Just Lip Service

Not Just Lip Service

LA’s MLK recognition and celebration sought to keep Dr. King’s message at the forefront of the community's collective mind...

By John Bishop

This school year, as part of its Diversity Equality and Inclusion (DEI) work, and following tradition, Lawrence Academy reflected on a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The specific quote for 2022 - 2023 is:

“What is needed is a realization that power without love is reckless and abusive, and that love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against love. And this is what we must see as we move on.”

Echoing Dr. King’s sentiments, Assistant Head of Equity & Community Life Raquel Majeski told students in the Richardson-Mees Performing Arts Center, “We care about you so much. So what you’re going to hear [in this assembly are] words from adults who love you, words from students who have worked tirelessly to be an example.

"Perfectly imperfect because no one claims to be perfect,” added Majeski.

However, perfection is often a matter of opinion.

And for many adult community members, seeing students stand alongside their peers and faculty — putting in the critical work faculty on Martin Luther King Day — comes close to the ideal.

“If you look to your right and your left, you have many... folks in this community who are agreeing to stand with you,” said Majeski, just before outlining the day.

“Perfectly imperfect, but we are agreeing to stand with you.”

And as the students prepared to leave, Raquel reminded them:

"So we're asking you to really be present [and with] your 'thinking cap' on so that you can reflect on what you're hearing," she said. "That way you too can be the ally that we need you to be in our beloved community."

Meanwhile, the work continues.

On Thursday, the LA community will join Dr. Trinidad Tellez P'23, New Hampshire State Representative and Health Equity Strategist and professional television and movie actor Alumnus Trustee, Taylor Selé '02, in a ZOOM discussion.